It Might Be Hard to Get Rid of Old Wallpapers: Housekeeping Tips

16.12.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

While people tend to want their wallpapers to stay untouched for years, there's always a moment when it's time to get rid of them.

If you put enough effort into applying them, then it might be quite hard to get rid of them as well.

Here are a few reasons why it might be hard to get rid of old wallpapers.

Adhesive Residue

Over time, the adhesive used to attach the wallpaper to the wall can become stubborn and difficult to dissolve. 

This can make it hard to peel off the wallpaper without leaving residue.


Multiple Layers

If there are multiple layers of wallpaper on the wall, removing them one by one can be time-consuming. 

Each layer adds complexity to the removal process, requiring more effort to expose the original wall.

Wall Condition

The condition of the underlying wall can impact how easy it is to remove wallpaper. 

Walls with existing damage or imperfections might require delicate handling to avoid causing further harm during the removal process.

Water Resistance

Some wallpapers are designed to resist moisture, making them less permeable to water or wallpaper removal solutions. 

This water resistance can slow down the process of softening the wallpaper for easier removal.

Painted Over Wallpaper

In some cases, previous homeowners may have painted over the wallpaper instead of removing it. 

Painted wallpaper is often more challenging to peel off, and it might require additional steps to break through the paint layer.

Age of Wallpaper

The age of the wallpaper can affect its adhesion and resilience. 

Older wallpapers might be more brittle, increasing the likelihood of tearing during removal. 

Additionally, the adhesives used in older wallpapers may be more tenacious.

DIY Installation Quality

If the wallpaper was initially installed poorly or with the use of excessive adhesive, it can make removal more difficult. 

DIY installations may lack the professional touch needed for easier removal.

Previously, we talked about drying wet shoes.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Adhesive Residue
  2. Multiple Layers
  3. Wall Condition
  4. Water Resistance
  5. Painted Over Wallpaper
  6. Age of Wallpaper
  7. DIY Installation Quality