Useful Tips: How to Care for Suede Clothing

03.02.2024 05:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Suede cannot be soaked; items must be washed in lukewarm water using gentle detergents.

What happens if suede gets wet

The peculiarity of suede is its amazing softness, while it is quite susceptible to moisture and dirt, and also requires careful care.

But it has an undeniable advantage: if suede gets wet, then all its performance properties and shape will be preserved.

How to care

Squeezing is strictly prohibited; it is better to let the excess water drain a little and then blot thoroughly with a towel, otherwise the product may lose its appearance and deteriorate.

A suede jacket should be protected from moisture and periodically cleaned with a special rubber brush.


Creases on suede can be fixed by steaming.

You can clean suede clothes and shoes at home with an ordinary solution of ammonia or vinegar.

How to refresh the color of suede

You can restore the original shade of suede using fine powder. It can be talc, salt, semolina.

The selected powder should be poured onto the shoes, then distributed over the entire surface with quick and intense movements.

After a few minutes of treatment, remove any remaining powder with a dry cloth.

Take a suede brush and gently, without pressure, massage the product in circular movements over the entire surface.

You can use a clothes steamer. The steam will soften the pile and arrange it as needed.

Previously, we told you how to clean your cat's litter box.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What happens if suede gets wet
  2. How to care
  3. How to refresh the color of suede