Why pour salt into the toilet: a useful life hack

02.04.2024 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Salt can be useful in cleaning the toilet.

In this article, we will tell you how to clean plumbing fixtures using such a simple product.

How to clean a toilet with salt

Table salt can be used for cleaning and removing stains.

Professionals advise pouring salt into the sink and toilet to eliminate small blockages and bad odors.

It is also a good remedy for preventing sewer and pipe blockages.


Regular salt easily removes dirt and grease deposits, which is extremely useful in the kitchen.

For the toilet, salt acts as a high-quality disinfectant.

The salt does not contain harsh chemicals, making it safer for the environment.

In order to clear a clogged sewer pipe, you need one glass of table salt.

Pour this down the toilet drain and immediately add two liters of boiling water.

Next, you need to leave the toilet for 15 minutes, and then pour three to four liters of warm water down the drain again.

Previously, we told you how to improve the air quality in your apartment.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource