Beverage ideas: Make a tincture – add frozen cherries!

24.01.2024 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

If you like having a collection of alcoholic beverages at home, and enjoy the home-made ones, then you probably have a few tinctures at home, too.

The best thing about them is that they often taste amazing, and they also are extremely easy to prepare.

Here are a few tips on how to make a delicious beverage from frozen cherries.

Prepare the Cherries

Take the desired amount of frozen cherries. You can use a cup or adjust based on how much tincture you want to make.

Crush or Chop the Cherries

To help release the flavors and juices, crush or chop the frozen cherries. You can use a clean kitchen tool like a muddler or the back of a spoon.


Place Cherries in a Jar

Put the crushed or chopped cherries into a clean glass jar. Make sure the jar has a tight-fitting lid.

Add Alcohol

Pour the vodka or high-proof alcohol over the cherries in the jar. Ensure that the cherries are fully submerged in the alcohol.

Seal the Jar

Seal the jar tightly with the lid. This helps in preserving the flavors and allowing the cherries to infuse into the alcohol.

Store in a Cool, Dark Place

Place the sealed jar in a cool, dark place. Let it sit for several weeks to allow the cherries to infuse their flavors into the alcohol.

Shake Occasionally

During the infusing period, give the jar a gentle shake every few days. This helps in mixing the ingredients and enhancing the infusion.

Strain the Tincture

After a few weeks, strain the tincture to separate the liquid from the cherry solids. You can use a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth for this step.

Store the Tincture

Transfer the strained liquid (now the cherry tincture) into a clean, sealable bottle. Discard the remaining cherry solids.

Enjoy the Tincture

Your cherry tincture is ready to use! You can add a few drops to beverages, desserts, or use it in recipes that call for a cherry-flavored boost.

Previously, we talked about artificial sweeteners.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Prepare the Cherries
  2. Crush or Chop the Cherries
  3. Place Cherries in a Jar
  4. Add Alcohol
  5. Seal the Jar
  6. Store in a Cool, Dark Place
  7. Shake Occasionally
  8. Strain the Tincture
  9. Store the Tincture
  10. Enjoy the Tincture