Cooking tips: Cooking mochi at home is easy!

17.01.2024 04:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

If you love trying out new things and enjoy Asian cuisine, then you probably know about Mochi – a tender rice-based dessert that can have different flavors.

While you can always buy some, you can also cook it by yourself – it's easier than you might think.

Here are a few tips on how to cook delicious mochi at home.

Gather the ingredients

You'll need sweet rice flour (also called glutinous rice flour), water, and a sweetener like sugar or honey. 

You can also add flavorings such as vanilla extract or matcha powder if you like.


Mix the dough

In a microwave-safe bowl, combine the sweet rice flour and water. 

Stir until the mixture becomes smooth and free of lumps. 

Add the sweetener and any flavorings you want, and mix well.

Cook the dough

Cover the bowl with a microwave-safe plastic wrap or a microwave-safe plate. 

Cook the dough in the microwave on high power for short intervals, usually around 1 minute at a time. 

After each interval, take it out and stir well to ensure even cooking. 

Repeat this process until the dough becomes thick and sticky.

Shape the mochi

Dust a clean surface or a tray with sweet rice flour to prevent sticking. 

Carefully transfer the hot dough onto the surface. 

Use your hands or a rolling pin (also dusted with flour) to flatten and shape the mochi. 

Cut it into small pieces or use cookie cutters to create desired shapes.

Enjoy the mochi

Once you've shaped the mochi, let it cool down slightly before serving. 

You can eat it as is or fill it with sweet fillings like red bean paste, fruit, or ice cream. 

Be creative with your choices!

Previously, we talked about Asian snacks.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Gather the ingredients
  2. Mix the dough
  3. Cook the dough
  4. Shape the mochi
  5. Enjoy the mochi