How to Cut Kiwi the Right Way: 4 Easy Ways

11.04.2023 17:46
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Kiwi is a popular exotic fruit. However, not everyone knows how to properly cut and peel it.

How to choose kiwi when buying

The fruit season is long - from October to May.

Kiwifruit should have a uniform skin color.

Avoid fruits that are too soft or too hard.

If you bought a kiwi that is too hard, place it in a warm place and wait for the fruit to ripen.

Photo: Pixabay

How to peel a kiwi

Wash fruit under running water before cooking.

To clean kiwi, you can use:

  • Knife;
  • Peeler;
  • Spoon.

How to cut kiwi: 4 ways

After you have peeled the fruit, you can start cutting:

Wedges. Cut the fruit in half, and then cut it in half again into quarters. If you want even thinner kiwi slices, continue cutting into quarters.
Slices. A beautiful and fast cutting method is “coins”. The thickness can be any, at your discretion.
Cubes. Cut the kiwi first into slices, then vertically and horizontally. This type of cut is good for salads or smoothie bowls.

Kiwi is used for cooking both main dishes and desserts. Product is rich in fiber and vitamins.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to choose kiwi when buying
  2. How to peel a kiwi
  3. How to cut kiwi: 4 ways