Know your food: Lemons – everything you didn't know about them

19.01.2024 04:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Being one of the sourest fruits in the world, lemons are often used in cooking and baking.

This fruit can be extremely beneficial for your health, but it's not the most interesting thing about it.

Here are a few interesting facts about lemons that you might not know.

Variety of Colors

Lemons come in various colors. While they are commonly yellow, some lemons are green before they fully ripen.

Citrus Family Connection

Lemons belong to the citrus family, joining the ranks of other citrus fruits like oranges and limes. 


All these fruits share a tangy flavor.

Rich in Vitamin C

Lemons pack a healthy dose of vitamin C, known for its beneficial effects on our health.

Seedy Interior

Inside a lemon, you'll find seeds. These seeds can be used for growing new lemon plants.

Citric Acid Tang

The sour taste of lemons comes from citric acid, a natural component found in these citrus fruits.

Culinary Uses

Lemons are a popular ingredient in cooking. Their juice is often squeezed onto dishes to enhance flavor.

Buoyancy in Water

Thanks to air pockets within them, lemons can float in water. It's a fun fact about their composition.

Preserving Freshness

Lemon juice serves as a natural way to keep cut fruits from turning brown. It slows down the oxidation process.

Beyond Culinary Purposes

Lemons aren't limited to the kitchen. Due to their fresh scent, some people use them for cleaning purposes.

Diverse Lemon Types

There is a variety of lemons, differing in size and flavor. Some are large, some small, offering unique taste profiles.

Previously, we talked about puff pastry dough.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Variety of Colors
  2. Citrus Family Connection
  3. Rich in Vitamin C
  4. Seedy Interior
  5. Citric Acid Tang
  6. Culinary Uses
  7. Buoyancy in Water
  8. Preserving Freshness
  9. Beyond Culinary Purposes
  10. Diverse Lemon Types