Why your chicken broth isn't clear: A few hacks to know

04.07.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

A perfect chicken broth should be clear, but full of taste and flavor - and it's not that hard to achieve that.

Being one of the main ingredients for lots of soups and other dishes, chicken broth is one of the things you should know how to cook properly.

If you have made chicken broth, and it is not clear, there could be a few reasons for this.

Insufficient Skimming

When making broth, it is important to skim off any impurities that rise to the surface. 

If the broth is not adequately skimmed, these impurities can remain suspended in the liquid, causing it to appear cloudy.


Boiling Too Vigorously

If the broth is boiled too vigorously, it can cause the fat and other solids to emulsify, leading to cloudiness. 


If you are using chicken parts that have a higher fat content or bones that contain a lot of marrow, it can contribute to a cloudier broth. 

Similarly, if you include vegetables with high starch content, such as potatoes or corn, they can release starches into the broth, making it appear cloudy.


If the broth is not strained properly, small particles and impurities can remain in the liquid, causing it to be cloudy. 

Ensure that you strain the broth through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove any solids.

Added Ingredients

If you have added certain ingredients to the broth, such as spices, herbs, or vegetable purees, they can contribute to cloudiness. 

Some herbs and spices can release fine particles that may not completely dissolve or strain out, resulting in a slightly cloudy appearance.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Insufficient Skimming
  2. Boiling Too Vigorously
  3. Ingredients
  4. Straining
  5. Added Ingredients