Is it true that eating at your desk is unhealthy? Experts named the reasons

04.04.2024 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Eating at your desk is one of the common habits.

In this article, we will tell you why you should refuse this.

Is it bad to eat at your desk

Psychologists say that eating at work not only causes health problems, but also reduces productivity and concentration.

It is worth remembering that the workplace is teeming with harmful bacteria, and by eating here, we risk that they can enter our body.

It's no secret that work can be stressful, but eating at your desk can make things worse.


If you don't take the time to disconnect from work, you'll never find time to recover, leading to higher rates of burnout and chronic fatigue.

Consider taking a break from your desk for at least 15 to 20 minutes to eat lunch.

Another reason why you shouldn’t eat while watching a monitor is the posture in which we eat.

Few people remember about correct posture at the computer.

When we watch TV or use gadgets while eating, our brain is distracted.

It does not concentrate on the process of absorbing food; everything happens as if in a mechanical mode.

We previously shared the best way to break up with a romantic partner.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource