A new study: Checking your phone – how a habit turns into obsession

15.01.2024 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

A recent study has found that excessive smartphone usage can be detrimental to individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The research examined the relationship between OCD symptoms and Problematic Smartphone Use (PSU) scores.

Let's see what they've discovered.

Researching obsessions

Over 400 participants were surveyed, and different measures were used to assess levels of obsessive-compulsive behavior, fear of missing out, inhibitory anxiety, boredom proneness, and PSU.

The findings revealed that individuals with clinically significant OCD symptoms were more likely to exhibit PSU compared to those with milder OCD symptoms.


Moreover, the study identified that fear of missing out and boredom played a role in the connection between OCD and PSU.

Compensatory internet use theory suggests that people use technology as a means to alleviate negative emotions. 

In the case of individuals with OCD, they might use their phones to seek reassurance and confirm or dispel their fears.

The research also proposed a sequence of actions, with OCD predicting boredom proneness, fear of missing out, and inhibitory anxiety. 

These factors could lead individuals with OCD to repeatedly check their phones.

Why it's important

The study sheds light on how smartphone usage can impact individuals with OCD and potentially lead to behavioral addiction.

Holte emphasized the significance of the findings and submitted the research for publication, receiving a positive response from Current Psychology in a relatively short time.

The next steps for the students and professor involve examining how some individuals view smartphones as an escape from their troubles, while others perceive them as burdens that demand constant attention.

Previously, we talked about bigger brain spaces that can be tied to autism.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Researching obsessions
  2. Why it's important