Tips from a Psychologist: How to Fall Asleep Quickly

16.09.2023 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

The norm may differ from person to person: for one person, 5-6 hours is enough to regain strength and feel good, while another needs to spend at least 9-10 hours in bed, otherwise they feel weak, distracted, and have a headache.

Why can't I sleep all night

Changes in the environment, poor sleep hygiene, shift work, health problems, certain medications, and depression can all lead to the development of chronic insomnia.

People with this type of disorder should seek help from a doctor.

One of the causes of insomnia is hormonal imbalance.

For example, low levels of testosterone, as well as high levels of cortisol, which increases in response to stress, contribute to the development of insomnia.


What to eat before bed to fall asleep faster

Melatonin is also found in brown rice, bananas, broccoli, pomegranates, fresh strawberries and mint.

For the synthesis of the sleep hormone, a sufficient amount of the amino acid tryptophan is necessary - it is found in hard cheeses, cottage cheese, cocoa, soybeans, almonds, hazelnuts, oatmeal and whole grain bread.

Is it possible to consult a neurologist with insomnia

Which doctor should I contact for sleep disorders?

If you complain about sleep disturbances, you should first of all contact a neurologist.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why can't I sleep all night
  2. What to eat before bed to fall asleep faster
  3. Is it possible to consult a neurologist with insomnia