Tips from a Psychologist: How to Properly Prepare for Sleep

24.11.2023 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Regular bedtimes and wake-up times are more important than going to bed and waking up early.

If possible, go to bed and get up at the same time.

You need to sleep in a cool, dark room on a good mattress.

What's included in getting ready for bed

Getting ready for bed includes evening “rites.” These are certain actions that we repeat every day at the same time.

Every mother knows what bedtime rituals are for a child: rocking, a lullaby or a fairy tale.


Adults also carry out such traditions, although sometimes they don’t even realize it.

What drink improves sleep

Warm milk with honey, rich in tryptophan, will help solve the problem of insomnia even in old age.

The publication also discussed cherry juice without added sugar.

It is rich in magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, contains antioxidants and melatonin (sleep hormone).

One small study found that basil extract reduced cortisol levels and participants reported improved sleep.

What not to eat if you have insomnia

Do not eat large amounts of food at night, do not eat heavy meals; do not go to bed feeling hungry; ventilate the bedroom before going to bed; do not drink alcohol, coffee, strong tea.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What's included in getting ready for bed
  2. What drink improves sleep
  3. What not to eat if you have insomnia