Tips from a Psychologist: How to Start Getting Up Earlier in the Morning

13.09.2023 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Early rise is the time of waking up from 5 to 7 am.

Why can't I wake up early in the morning

There can be many reasons. For example, purely medical ones: apnea, severe stress, anxiety and depression, taking certain medications.

They need to be dealt with separately - with the help of a doctor - otherwise morning awakenings will forever remain painful.

What are the benefits of waking up early

The benefits of waking up early are obvious - the health of the body as a whole and more free time for your favorite hobby, family and friends.

The practice of getting up early can improve your health, both physical and psycho-emotional.


How to train yourself to wake up early

To accustom yourself to waking up early, don’t immediately set your alarm clock a few hours earlier.

Work gradually, moving up your rising time by 10 to 15 minutes every few days.

After the call, give your head a light massage to improve blood circulation.

Walking helps deliver oxygen to your brain and muscles, making you feel more alert. As a bonus, walking outside can lift your spirits.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why can't I wake up early in the morning
  2. What are the benefits of waking up early
  3. How to train yourself to wake up early