Why you shouldn’t scold children: how to raise a happy child

23.04.2024 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Strict upbringing is always bad for the normal development of children.

In this article, we will tell you why you should not scold your child.

Why you shouldn't scold a child

Scolding a child for mistakes can cause irreparable psychological trauma and destroy self-esteem.

The child will not understand what exactly he did wrong. In such cases, children simply feel constant criticism in their direction and negative emotions from adults.

Thus, the child begins to believe and consider that he is not able to cope with tasks and ceases to strive for self-development and independence.


In addition, it will ruin the child's trust in you.

When a parent yells at a child, it is automatically humiliation, because what is happening is more reminiscent of psychological violence than education.

After all, the child is unable to protect himself or draw any “correct” conclusions from the situation.

Screaming is physically harmful to a child's health. It has been proven that children who are yelled at are doomed to have mental health problems.

To teach a child something, it is enough to tell it in a calm tone.

If this doesn’t work, you can come up with a game to make it clearer and more interesting for the child.

Previously, we told you what strict discipline in the family leads to.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource