Can a cat not recognize its owner: it turns out that this happens very often

22.05.2024 23:00

Sometimes cat behavior is difficult to understand.

Including how well they remember their owners.

Can a cat not recognize you

Since cats have well-developed long-term memory, they can remember people, various places and events for many years.

However, it all depends on what role the person played in the pet’s life.

If this is a beloved owner, then the cat will remember the person all its life.

Photo: © Belnovosti

If you did not play any important role for the cat, the animal will not remember you.

Interestingly, if you meet a cat, the animal will recognize you a second time within 16 hours - that’s how long their short-term memory lasts.

How to understand that a cat has chosen you as its owner

A cat considers you its master if it seeks close contact. For example, he caresses, rubs against his legs, arms, comes to lie down and sleep next to him.

The pet also tries not to let the person out of sight, often sitting down so that it can see you.

Cats that are attached to a person like to follow or follow their movements.

The pet can also synchronize sleep rhythms with a loved one.

Previously, we told you when you shouldn’t crap on a dog’s head.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Can a cat not recognize you
  2. How to understand that a cat has chosen you as its owner