Is it possible to eat hot food: nutritionists warn against temptation

21.05.2024 18:00

Many people like to eat hot food. Is it harmful to health or not?

Is it safe to eat hot food

Nutritionists do not recommend eating very hot food.

This advice carries the risk of burns to the esophagus.

At best, this means several days of pain when swallowing, and at worst, hospitalization and long-term treatment.

Burns from eating can cause scarring on the esophagus.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In addition, by constantly eating hot food, you are putting your life in danger.

Eating too hot food increases the risk of cancer of the larynx and esophagus.

Any hot food or liquid, according to nutritionists, can irritate the mucous membrane of the throat and esophagus.

Doctors recommend not to overeat on ice cream and not to eat too hot food.

What food temperature is acceptable and safe for health

Food with a temperature above 60 degrees has a negative effect on the stomach.

According to scientific research, it doubles the risk of developing esophageal cancer.

Therefore, food should be either warm or neutral temperature.

Previously, we talked about the benefits of camel milk for human health.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Is it safe to eat hot food
  2. What food temperature is acceptable and safe for health