
woman choosing

Lots of people make decisions mostly based on their gut feeling, but what if you naturally have pretty poor intuition? In fact, it's not a bad thing - psychologists often see it as an opportunity to use your logic and knowledge instead.

Kate Yakimchuk choosing tips Psychology 15 October 2023

When meeting someone for the first time, you should watch for fed flags carefully - it can potentially help you a lot. Some people show their true self pretty quickly, but others tend to hide their darker sides pretty well - so what can you do?

Kate Yakimchuk signs personality tips Psychology 15 October 2023

Using your own gut feeling to decide what's true or false can lead you to believe in conspiracy theories.  While it's still extremely useful to listen to your intuition, it can also create some troubles for you.

Kate Yakimchuk research conspiracy Psychology 14 September 2023

Intuitive eating is an approach to eating that emphasizes listening to and honoring your body's natural signals of hunger, fullness, and satisfaction.  It promotes a healthy and balanced relationship with food, focusing on internal cues rather than strict diets or external rules. 

Kate Yakimchuk dieting health overeating Cooking 15 August 2023
man suspicious

Sometimes things feel wrong, and you just can't understand, why - that's when your intuition tries to say you something. Trusting your gut feeling, also known as intuition, can be beneficial in various situations. 

Kate Yakimchuk intelligence decisions Psychology 7 August 2023