Food that causes swelling: Nutritionists advice

08.09.2023 10:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

No one likes swelling - it makes you look bigger, changes your facial features, and generally feels uncomfortable.

One of the most common reasons for that is food you eat daily - and some foods are more likely to cause this problem than others.

Here are a few examples of food you should eat in moderation.

Too much salt is bad for you

Eating too much salt can make your body hold onto extra water, leading to swelling.

Some things can cause allergies

Some people have allergies to certain foods, like nuts, shellfish, or dairy. Eating these foods can cause an allergic reaction, including swelling.


Processed foods aren't always great

Many processed foods contain additives, like monosodium glutamate (MSG), which can lead to swelling in some individuals.

Sugar can cause it as well

Foods with a lot of sugar can cause blood sugar levels to spike, leading to fluid retention and swelling.

Too much grease is bad for your health

High-fat foods can sometimes lead to inflammation in the body, which may result in swelling.


A healthy, balanced diet is your best way to avoid swelling, so make sure you choose healthier options whenever it's possible.

Learn to enjoy healthy and balanced meals more, so you can feel and look your best every day!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Too much salt is bad for you
  2. Some things can cause allergies
  3. Processed foods aren't always great
  4. Sugar can cause it as well
  5. Too much grease is bad for your health
  6. Conclusion