Important to Know: Why Salt is Harmful and Beneficial

06.12.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Regular table salt is classified as food grade, but is obtained by purifying or evaporating the original solutions.

Now the name is changing, and the new name of the product is table salt, indicating the production technology and some features.

How salt affects the body

Salt improves and speeds up the passage of nerve impulses and helps maintain the balance of the nervous system.

With its deficiency, a depressed state of mind, depression, depression occurs, and the innervation of the body worsens.

On the other hand, lack of salt negatively affects the endocrine system.


The main risk is increased blood pressure (risk of stroke).

Excess salt can cause liver and kidney diseases and atherosclerosis.

In addition, a large amount of sodium leads to calcium leaching.

This threatens to soften bones and teeth.

Because eating too much salt can increase the amount of calcium that passes through the kidneys and is excreted in the urine, it may put you at increased risk of developing kidney stones.

Staying hydrated can reduce the risk.

Why salt is good for the body

A person cannot do without salt, since it is table salt, the basis of which is sodium chloride, that restores impaired metabolism, acid-base balance in the body, maintains an optimal fluid level, including blood volume, preventing dehydration of the body.

How much salt can you eat per day

The maximum recommended amount of sodium is 2000-2300 mg. per day, which is equal to 5-6 grams of salt.

This standard has been set by the World Health Organization as a target for sodium intake in the population.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How salt affects the body
  2. Why salt is good for the body
  3. How much salt can you eat per day