

Within 40-45 days after planting, you will be able to harvest. In this article we will tell you the secrets of growing spinach at home.

Diana Dashkevich spinach gardening plants tips plants care Garden 8 February 2024

Cilantro sprouts appear very quickly - already 2-3 days after sowing. The entire growing season of the plant is about 115 days.

Diana Dashkevich greens gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 7 February 2024

Jerusalem artichoke can adapt to any growing conditions, it can grow in the sun, in partial shade, it grows even in shaded places, but then the quantity and quality of tubers deteriorates.

Diana Dashkevich gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 31 January 2024

Not only professional farmers, but also many gardeners use companion planting for its benefits. This method can benefit not only some plants, but also your garden's general health and its fertility.

Kate Yakimchuk companion planting gardening tips ideas growing Garden 30 January 2024

The exotic plant is capricious; for full growth and development it requires a microclimate close to natural. If the maintenance conditions are violated, the palm tree stops growing and may die. Moreover, if in the natural environment a coconut grows for several decades, at home it can grow no more than 6-7 years.

Diana Dashkevich palms houseplants gardening tips plants tips Garden 30 January 2024

Some gardeners prefer to get rid of old and dead trees quickly, but others just let them stay – mostly because it takes time and effort to get rid of them. Meanwhile, some dry trees can be potentially dangerous, and it's especially true for families with kids.

Kate Yakimchuk dry trees gardening tips tips danger Garden 29 January 2024

Domestic species need bright and diffused light, but can also tolerate shade.

Diana Dashkevich gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 28 January 2024

Indoor spruce blooms and bears fruit only in natural conditions; you won’t be able to taste its edible seeds from cones at home.

Diana Dashkevich gardening gardening tips plants care Garden 28 January 2024

In order for quince to quickly adapt to a new place, you need to know how to plant it and how to properly care for it in the first months after planting.

Diana Dashkevich trees fruits gardening tips plants tips Garden 27 January 2024

The best time for planting decorative onions is from September 20 to October 15. You can plant them in the spring, at the beginning of May. Decorative bows take root very quickly and well in a new place.

Diana Dashkevich flowers plants tips gardening tips Garden 27 January 2024

The most optimal areas for planting hyssop are sunny, with moderately moist calcareous soil.

Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 26 January 2024

Episcia is a supporter of bright, but diffused sunlight, so the best place for it is not even the eastern and western window sills, but designated places in flowerpots on the walls, where the fleecy leaves of the plant, illuminated by a phytolamp (13 hours/day), will beautifully refract the light into silver and bronze shades.

Diana Dashkevich gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 25 January 2024

A shallow but wide plastic/clay pot is suitable for Stromanthe. Don't forget about the drainage pan and drainage.

Diana Dashkevich houseplants gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 25 January 2024

If you're a keen collector, then you probably have lots of items you would be proud to showcase to others – but how can you do it? If your collection is full of beautiful dry plants and flowers, then you probably should place them on your wall and create an installation.

Kate Yakimchuk herbarium interior tips home decor tips House Design 25 January 2024

Local communities can actually benefit people, and they can be even more useful for gardeners and farmers. When you grow plants, you require lots of knowledge, tools, and time, and it's always better to share these things with others too.

Kate Yakimchuk local community gardening tips benefits farming Garden 25 January 2024

When a plant that is supposed to be green becomes yellow, then it's usually a sign that something is wrong with it. For example, if you notice your green pea plant becoming yellow and dry. then it's time to find the issue and fix it.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips green peas yellowing tips Garden 24 January 2024

It is better to grow Pilea in a fairly wide but shallow container, since the root system is located close to the surface of the soil. The width of the pot should preferably exceed its depth. When transplanting, the size of the container is increased by 2-4 cm.

Diana Dashkevich gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 23 January 2024

Aucuba grows well in both deep shade and bright light. It is highly not recommended to grow variegated species in shady conditions, since the same decorative pattern will disappear from the surface of the plates.

Diana Dashkevich gardening gardening tips plants care Garden 23 January 2024

Sometimes it's time to get rid of old trees in your garden, especially when they're dead, ill, or take up too much space. Old trees often have strong roots, so it won't be easy – but it's still possible!

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips old trees removing ideas Garden 22 January 2024

Nowadays, gardeners don't have to water their plants manually – modern irrigation systems work just fine! The thing is, there are too many types of irrigation systems you can choose from, which can be too complicated for a new gardener.

Kate Yakimchuk irrigation system gardening tips water choosing Garden 21 January 2024