

While being mostly harmless, moles can sometimes create lots of problems for gardeners. These tiny animals can create lots of tunnels in your garden and damage plant roots, so it's better to repel them.

Kate Yakimchuk mole gardening tips garden pests tips Garden 17 January 2024

If your garden can be easily flooded, then you constantly risk all your plants and harvest. Snow, rains, or rivers can easily destroy all your hard work, so you have to protect the garden beds and the plants.

Kate Yakimchuk garden beds flood gardening tips water Garden 17 January 2024

The root system is weak, so it is better to choose shallow and wide pots. It is not picky about the substrate; store-bought soil for palm trees or other decorative foliage plants is suitable. Good soil aeration is needed, so drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot.

Diana Dashkevich houseplants plants tips plants care Garden 16 January 2024

In order for your catharanthus to thrive, it needs certain conditions. Firstly, he prefers bright but diffused light. Direct rays of the sun can cause leaf burns. Secondly, the room temperature should be moderate, within 18-25 degrees Celsius.

Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 15 January 2024

Kupena blooms from May to June with small tubular white flowers with a green border at the ends of the petals. In autumn the flowers give way to dark blue round berries.

Diana Dashkevich gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 15 January 2024

Fresh apricots can be one of the most delicious fruits you can grow – both for cooking and eating raw. The best thing about them is that they aren't too hard to grow, especially if your conditions suit them a lot.

Kate Yakimchuk apricot garden trees gardening tips fruits Garden 14 January 2024

This flowering garden crop is distinguished by its small height, as well as small inflorescences of pink, purple, white or azure. The leaves of aubrieta are endowed with denticles or have a solid structure. The flowering period of this perennial occurs in 2 stages.

Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening tips gardening plants tips Garden 14 January 2024

If you actually enjoy gardening, then you already know that crop rotation can be extremely beneficial for plants and soil. Meanwhile, not all gardeners do it correctly – so the method can turn out to be completely useless for them.

Kate Yakimchuk crop rotation gardening tips mistakes tips Garden 14 January 2024

Rogersia blooms in July with white and pink flowers in densely packed paniculate inflorescences rising above the leaves. The plant grows by roots and can occupy quite a significant space. You can also divide the bush yourself or take cuttings of Rogersia to propagate the flower.

Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening gardening tips plants care Garden 12 January 2024

Armeria is an unpretentious plant, but in order for it to bloom abundantly, it needs to be fed.

Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 12 January 2024

Varietal forms are best bred vegetatively: by division (in August-early September) and cuttings (in spring).

Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 11 January 2024

Pyrethrum is an ornamental flowering plant that is unpretentious. With its buds, pyrethrum resembles daisies, but only larger and more colorful.

Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 10 January 2024

The leaves are large, arranged in whorls of 3-5, oval-lanceolate, pointed, serrated along the edge, hairy. The baskets are small, of 3-12 flowers, collected in corymbose inflorescences up to 20 cm in diameter. The flowers are light pink to lilac-purple. Blooms in July-August for 30-35 days.

Diana Dashkevich flowers plants care gardening gardening tips Garden 10 January 2024

The bush is compact, erect, up to 40-50 cm in diameter, with branched shoots. It blooms long and profusely, from mid-July to August. Grows well in moist, sunny places. Loves fertile, loamy soils.

Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 9 January 2024

Choose it for landscaping that is located in the south, in dry places where plants often dry out from the heat and dryness.

Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening plants care plants tips Garden 9 January 2024

If you want your garden to smell like heaven, then try growing bird cherries – it's a beautiful plant with a nice fragrance that can suit your garden well! This plant isn't just beautiful – it also has some benefits, so it might be a generally great idea to grow it.

Kate Yakimchuk bird cherry gardening tips trees growing Garden 8 January 2024

Hippeastrum feels comfortable on a sunny windowsill, but can easily tolerate partial shade; in the summer they can be transplanted into open ground.

Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening plants tips gardening tips Garden 7 January 2024

Freesia bulbs need to be germinated before planting. Usually, they begin to germinate in pots from January to April. Please note: flowering occurs five to six months after germination begins.

Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening plants tips gardening tips Garden 6 January 2024

It is advisable to plant iris on a hill in soil with good drainage and protect the leaves from the wind.

Diana Dashkevich flowers plants tips gardening tips Garden 6 January 2024

Scindapsus is loved for its luxurious greenery, ease of care and ease of propagation.

Diana Dashkevich houseplants plants care plants tips gardening Garden 5 January 2024