Depression: Unobvious Causes

06.02.2024 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

A person’s appearance changes - a pale face, dilated pupils, dull eyes, dry skin, drooping shoulders, a predominance of gray and black clothes, lack of jewelry and cosmetics, sloppiness and indifference to one’s appearance.

What does depression feel like physically and emotionally

The person experiences feelings of sadness, hopelessness and a feeling of emptiness.

Sudden outbursts of anger and irritability even due to minor reasons are also common.

Loss of interest and pleasure in activities that usually brought joy and pleasure.

For example, sports, favorite hobbies, meetings with loved ones.


In addition, there are attacks of anxiety, agitation and nervousness.

About one in six adults in the United States will experience depression during their lifetime.

What are the unobvious causes of depression

The likelihood of depression increases with hormonal changes: during adolescence, after childbirth, with the onset of menopause, and also in old age.

Can affect you emotionally and physically. Another factor is brain damage and somatic pathologies.

The predominance of “migrating” somatic disorders is the main feature of latent depression.

A patient with such a symptom constantly complains of health problems (the heart is worried, the head hurts, there is a problem with the stomach, etc.), but doctors, as a rule, do not give him a clear diagnosis.

Previously, we talked about the causes of poor memory.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What does depression feel like physically and emotionally
  2. What are the unobvious causes of depression