
dog nose

Dogs have an incredibly keen sense of smell that far surpasses that of humans.  This heightened olfactory ability is a result of their evolutionary history and specialized anatomical features. 

Kate Yakimchuk dogs pets Animals 15 August 2023

Most people know that smells can instantly bring back memories, because they affect our brain a lot. Now, scientists have proven that smells can even boost your memory.

Kate Yakimchuk research memory sleep fragrance Psychology 5 August 2023

While all dogs have some degree of odor, some breeds are known to have a relatively mild and less noticeable smell compared to others.  Factors such as grooming, skin and coat type, and overall cleanliness can also affect a dog's odor. 

Kate Yakimchuk breeds dogs pets Animals 3 August 2023
cat smelling

Some animals have a limited or virtually non-existent sense of smell.  However, it's important to note that all animals have some degree of olfactory capability, as it is a crucial sense for survival and navigation in the natural world. 

Kate Yakimchuk insects birds Animals 30 July 2023
old bathroom

A bathroom can develop unpleasant odors due to various factors, which are often related to poor hygiene, lack of ventilation, and the buildup of bacteria and mold.  While it's one of the places that often smells bad, you still can fix some of the following reasons to make it smell way better.

Kate Yakimchuk bathroom cleaning tips housekeeping tips Helpful tips 26 July 2023

The unpleasant smell of the apartment greatly spoils the impression and affects the feeling of coziness and comfort. In this article, we will tell you how to quickly and easily eliminate bad smell in the house.

Diana Dashkevich home coziness advices lifehacks House Design 11 July 2023

Smell in the kitchen can make or break the whole atmosphere of your house. If your dish sponges smell bad, then it's a sign that you do something wrong.

Kate Yakimchuk sponge bacteria housekeeping tips Helpful tips 10 July 2023

Many factors influence a person's mood, including colors, music, and even scents. In this article, we'll show you how it works.

Diana Dashkevich sense of smell mental health mood facts Psychology 9 July 2023
woman smelling flowers

A new study published at Oxford Academy journal shows that people who have bad sense of smell have higher risks of becoming depressed later in life. While it's not a direct cause, it clearly shows that our brains are bodies are way more surprising and complicated than we think.

Kate Yakimchuk sense of smell research depression maturity Psychology 9 July 2023

The smell in the bathroom is often due to sewage or mold. Therefore, it is important to deal with the root cause of bad breath.

Diana Dashkevich bathroom aromatherapy lifehacks Helpful tips 30 June 2023

Nowadays, people don't use air fresheners or incenses to make their homes smell nice - they use home fragrances! You can find lots of amazing brands of home fragrances, and most of the smells are simply amazing.

Kate Yakimchuk fragrance atmosphere House Design 22 June 2023

Bathroom is a wet zone of your house, and it collects lots of dirt and bad smells. If you want to keep your bathroom odorless, then you need to take proper care of it.

Kate Yakimchuk bathroom cleaning tips Helpful tips 20 June 2023

Placing stabilized eucalyptus in your bathroom is one of the cheapest way to make it smell very luxurious. Moist and heat make the eucalyptus release its natural scent, which is better than most artificial smells.

Kate Yakimchuk bathroom tips Helpful tips 18 June 2023

Even if your kitchen sink is made of dark stone or metal, and you don't see dirt on it, it should be cleaned regularly. A greasy and smelly sink can make the entire kitchen look dirty, so it should be carefully looked after.

Kate Yakimchuk sink cleaning tips Helpful tips 17 June 2023
tea pot

A dirty teapot is not only unpleasant to look at, but it can also spoil the taste of tea. It can also be a place where mold grows, so you need to constantly keep it clean.

Kate Yakimchuk tea pot cleaning tips mold Helpful tips 14 June 2023

The kitchen is a place where many cooking odors can gather and accumulate. While some of them are really good, some can be annoying or off-putting - and you need to mask or eliminate them.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning tips cleaning Helpful tips 6 June 2023
tap water

Wet areas of your house are prone to bad smells, and sometimes it's not that easy to get rid of them. A kitchen sink can be a place with a very unpleasant smell, even when you wash it regularly.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning sink Helpful tips 2 June 2023

Sweat marks on clothes are a common phenomenon. You can remove them simply and easily using improvised means.

Sergey Tumanov clothes tips Helpful tips 30 April 2022

Often in the kitchen there are blockages from food debris, grease, detergent and small debris that fall into the pipes.

Sergey Tumanov kitchen lifehacks Helpful tips 28 April 2022

When moving to a rented apartment, you may find that the room smells of old age. This happens if the housing is no longer monitored.

Sergey Tumanov flat room tips Helpful tips 24 April 2022