

Most people drink their coffee with milk or cream, but it's not an option for many lactose intolerant people. Also, some people just don't like the taste of warm boiled milk in their coffee - so what can they use instead?

Kate Yakimchuk ideas milk syrup Cooking 14 October 2023

Nowadays, you can easily choose from lots of sorts of coffee to find the best flavor and taste for you. Some sorts of coffee can be quite bitter or sour, but why does that happen?

Kate Yakimchuk taste beans Cooking 14 October 2023

Coffee is extremely old - people have been enjoying this drink for centuries, and its recipes change and evolve constantly. While some coffee recipes are pretty traditional, some popular methods are relatively new.

Kate Yakimchuk recipe brewing Cooking 11 October 2023

If you're a keen coffee lover, then you probably love having nice coffee drinks at coffee shops and restaurants. Meanwhile, you can always try unusual and delicious coffee ideas at home - why not be creative?

Kate Yakimchuk tips ideas Cooking 9 October 2023

Coffee is an amazing ancient drink that has plenty of positive effects on our well-being, but that's not all! You can use coffee for many more things in cooking because of its flavor and taste.

Kate Yakimchuk cooking ideas Cooking 8 October 2023

Most coffee stains can be removed with a gentle cleaner. For example, dishwashing liquid or even gel soap will do.

Diana Dashkevich stains cleaning washing Helpful tips 27 September 2023

About 75% of adults in the United States drink coffee, which is widely known for its caffeine content.

Diana Dashkevich drinks health Cooking 25 September 2023
chocolate cake

If it's really hard for you to wake up in the morning, then you probably need some caffeine - but what if you don't like coffee? In fact, coffee isn't the only source of caffeine, so you can easily replace it with other food and drinks to wake up faster.

Kate Yakimchuk food caffeine health Cooking 7 September 2023
coffee mug

Coffee stains can sometimes be challenging to clean off mugs, particularly if they have built up over time or if the stains have penetrated porous materials.  However, with the right cleaning methods and materials, you can effectively remove coffee stains from your mugs. 

Kate Yakimchuk stains cleaning Helpful tips 14 August 2023

Drinking tea or coffee can temporarily help reduce feelings of hunger, but it may not completely eliminate the need for sustenance.  Both tea and coffee contain compounds that can have appetite-suppressing effects, but these effects can vary from person to person and may not be long-lasting.

Kate Yakimchuk hunger tea Cooking 14 August 2023
coffee powder

Instant coffee and regular coffee both contain caffeine, which is the primary compound responsible for the stimulating effects of coffee.  However, there can be differences between the two in terms of taste, preparation, and overall experience. 

Kate Yakimchuk caffeine effects health Cooking 14 August 2023

For most healthy adults, moderate coffee consumption is generally considered safe and may even offer some health benefits.  The general guideline from organizations like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggests that consuming up to 400 mg of caffeine per day, which is roughly equivalent to about 4 cups of brewed coffee, is unlikely to cause negative health effects for most people.

Kate Yakimchuk caffeine health Cooking 10 August 2023

Brewed coffee is best enjoyed when it's fresh, as its flavor and aroma start to deteriorate over time.  The optimal freshness of brewed coffee depends on various factors, including the brewing method, coffee quality, storage conditions, and personal taste preferences. 

Kate Yakimchuk brewing storage freshness tips Cooking 5 August 2023

Some people are so used to drinking coffee that they can't wake up without it. If that's your case, then you're probably addicted to caffeine - and it usually means that you should reduce the amount of coffee you drink.

Kate Yakimchuk caffeine eating habits Cooking 10 July 2023

Lots of modern people can't imagine their lives without coffee - it helps them to wake up, to concentrate, or to stay awake when they need to get lots of work done. But you can get addicted to caffeine, and some signs can help you understand that you probably drink too much coffee.

Kate Yakimchuk caffeine drinks Cooking 1 July 2023

The plant is suitable for growing even at home. It is very unpretentious, does not require excessive attention: it is enough to provide it with optimal conditions for further growth.

Diana Dashkevich gardening advices plants tips Garden 26 June 2023

Do you like your coffee black, or you're into dessert-like coffee, full of syrups and milk? In fact, both strong and light coffee have their benefits.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food drinks Cooking 24 June 2023

Lots of people can't be productive without drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, others drink it rarely, because they think it's bad for their health. But the right amount of coffee can actually benefit your health, claims Harvard Chan School.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food healthy diet Cooking 14 June 2023
coffee machine

Different coffee machines require different maintenance, but some things can influence machines of all brands. To achieve the best taste, you need to change the filter regularly.

Kate Yakimchuk coffee machine cleaning tips Helpful tips 4 June 2023

Instant coffee has its own special taste and aroma. This is a good option for those who do not have time to wait until the drink is brewed in a Turk or coffee machine.

Diana Dashkevich drinks facts Cooking 4 June 2023