Последние новости за 6 октября 2023 года


You already know that you can't water your plants too often or too much - it can harm them, because your plants and soil can't use too much water. That's how moisture capacity works - your garden only takes what it needs, and the rest can only damage it and make it weak.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening moisture tips soil Garden

Бульон не должен быть мутным. Иначе блюдо, составной частью которого станет отвар, приобретёт неаппетитный внешний вид.

Курчев Антон бульон приготовление еды варка правила мясо Минск

Microfiber or faux suede is the most practical fabric for upholstering a sofa with amazing mechanical properties. Does not wear out, does not electrify, does not absorb liquid, is hypoallergenic and retains color.

Диана Дашкевич furniture sofa materials advices House Design
onion soup

Kids don't always like onions, but adults mostly like it - at least when it's cooked well. In fact, there are plenty of ways of cooking onions, and lots of them can help you create amazing dishes, so everyone will love these onions!

Kate Yakimchuk onion recipe cooking tips Cooking

Согласно поверьям, если слышен звонок, а по ту сторону двери никого нет, то в дом хочет попасть нечистая сила.

Курчев Антон квартира двери проблемы народные приметы безопасность Люди и события

Most people know that only a few kinds of parrots are great talkers - and some of them can imitate speech and even voices really well. Meanwhile, some parrots don't want to talk or talk just a little, even when their variety has everything to do with it.

Kate Yakimchuk pets birds speech skills nature Animals

Linen in bright or dark colors should be washed for no longer than 5-10 minutes at a temperature no higher than 27°C. Other plain-dyed fabrics can be washed at a temperature not exceeding 40°C. When washing, do not use aggressive cleaning agents or chlorine. You can use conditioner to soften the fabric.

Диана Дашкевич clothes materials washing Helpful tips
sad man

A group of doctors, engineers, and brain scientists made an exciting discovery about treating really severe depression.  They used a special treatment called deep brain stimulation (DBS), where they put tiny wires in the brain to send little electric pulses. 

Kate Yakimchuk research depression brain Psychology

Сегодня пятница, 6 октября 2023 года. 279-й день года по григорианскому календарю. До окончания года остается 86 дней.

Елена Шимановская Луна календарь церковь история народные приметы Праздники

Многим людям, которые работают дома, нравится, когда рядом с ними постоянно находится питомец. Да и некоторые пушистики не хотят далеко отходить от хозяина.

Курчев Антон кошки питомцы человек работа хитрости Домашние животные