Последние новости за 7 июля 2023 года


Crystal is a fragile material that requires special care for long-term preservation and brilliance. In this article, you will learn about the most effective cleansing methods.

Диана Дашкевич home cleaning glasses lifehacks Helpful tips

Soybeans tend to be one of the most popular crops in the USA, and while they are normally grown in agricultural fields, you can still grow them on your own. It can be useful for people who want to grow all their food on their own, or just want to try something new.

Kate Yakimchuk soybeans soy gardening tips crops Garden

Празднование может привести к нежелательным последствиям, если отмечается «опасная» годовщина.

Курчев Антон день рождения праздник возраст опасность народные приметы Люди и события

Colors have a strong influence on well-being, mood and even human performance. In the article we will tell you what colors and shades are suitable for the office so that the work is pleasant and productive.

Диана Дашкевич home office walls colors interior advices House Design
canned tomatoes

Vegetables are important for everyone's healthy diet, but lots of people have no time (or wish) to cook them every day, and that's why they use canned vegetables instead. While they can be a great addition to a healthy diet, they aren't just as healthy as the fresh ones, so you should eat them in moderation.

Kate Yakimchuk canned food vegetables healthy food healthy diet Cooking

Мурлыканье - звук, издаваемый многими представителями семейства кошачьих.

Курчев Антон кошки питомцы поведение звук проблемы Домашние животные

Kangaroos aren't just unusual-looking - they are interesting animals with unusual bone structure and habits. Their adaptations and reproduction make them pretty much unusual from many other animals. 

Kate Yakimchuk kangaroos wild animals animal facts Animals

Houseplants quickly accumulate dust and dirt on the leaves. For example, from open windows, if the pot is on the windowsill. In this article, we will tell you how to safely and effectively clean houseplants.

Диана Дашкевич home houseplants cleaning advices tips Helpful tips

Lonely people are well-aware that their point of view often differs from what other people think and see, but now we have a proof. A new study shows how lonely people are actually wired differently in some ways.

Kate Yakimchuk research loneliness personality Psychology

Иногда одной неудачной фразы достаточно для того, чтобы родители потеряли авторитет в глазах собственного ребёнка.

Курчев Антон ребенок родители воспитание общение слова Дети