Your cleaning solutions may be too harsh: Sings that you need to choose safer options

08.06.2023 02:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Many people choose the most effective cleaning products, believing that the harsher, the better.

On the other hand, some of these chemicals may be too harsh, so they can damage your interior and even your skin.

Let's find out the signs that you should switch to safer options.

Damage to surfaces

If you notice discoloration, fading, etching, or corrosion on the materials you're cleaning, it could be a sign that the cleaning solution is too strong for that particular surface. 

Residue or film

If your cleaning solution leaves behind a noticeable residue or film after you've cleaned, it may be an indication that it's not rinsing off properly. 


Strong or unpleasant odor

Some cleaning solutions have strong chemical odors, and while it's common for cleaning products to have a scent, an overpowering or unpleasant smell could be a sign that the solution contains harsh chemicals. 

Skin irritation or discomfort

When using cleaning solutions, it's important to protect your skin by wearing gloves. 

However, if you experience skin irritation, redness, itching, or discomfort even while wearing gloves, it could indicate that the cleaning solution is too harsh for your skin. 

Health effects

If you experience symptoms like coughing, difficulty breathing, watery eyes, headaches, or nausea while using a cleaning solution, it could be an indication that it's too harsh, and you should consider using a milder alternative.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Damage to surfaces
  2. Residue or film
  3. Strong or unpleasant odor
  4. Skin irritation or discomfort
  5. Health effects