Blue Matcha: Health Benefits – Amazing Product

11.01.2024 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Many people compare the taste of blue matcha to a soft and subtle herbal taste.

But that’s the beauty of blue matcha, it’s versatile.

Therefore, blue matcha can be prepared in almost any way - make a blue milkshake or blue latte, add it to sweet cream or bake blue cookies.

What are the benefits of blue matcha

Blue matcha rejuvenates, toning the skin, making it silky, smoothing out facial wrinkles, preventing the appearance of gray hair and accelerating its growth.

Blue matcha blocks appetite, removes toxins, and speeds up metabolism.


It's easy to lose weight with it. Try a thick latte - blue matcha early in the morning, you will be full until lunch.

Improves memory. Relieves irritability. Reduces cortisol levels, so with one-time use it relieves stress, and with regular use it relieves chronic fatigue and insomnia.

At the same time, just like Anchan, blue matcha is not recommended to be consumed at night.

A study from 2019 published in Biology found that butterfly pea extract curbed the body's response to high-fat meals, but the study was limited to only 16 participants considered overweight or obese.

How to drink blue matcha correctly

Pour in 250 ml of boiled water +80-85°C. Hold the drink for no more than a minute, add the juice of a lemon wedge.

The drink will instantly give you strength, improve your well-being, and the bright purple color will lift your spirits (and this is the most important thing!). Blue matcha is also used to combat insomnia.

We previously talked about the health benefits of broccoli.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What are the benefits of blue matcha
  2. How to drink blue matcha correctly