Delicious meatballs: Cooking tips

23.11.2023 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

If you want to add a bit of Swedish vibe to your diet, or you just want to cook something new, then try cooking meatballs!

They are easy to cook, and they are simply delicious - especially if you know some tricks on how to make them better.

Here's how you can cook meatballs, and what's even more important, that's how you can make them tasty.

Choose the Right Meat

Pick ground meat like beef, pork, or a mix for extra flavor. You can also use chicken or turkey for a lighter option.

Add Flavorful Ingredients

Mix in breadcrumbs, minced garlic, chopped onions, and herbs like parsley for extra taste. Don't forget a pinch of salt and pepper.


Use Eggs as Binders

Crack an egg or two into your meatball mix. Eggs help hold everything together and make your meatballs moist.

Don't Overmix

Mix the ingredients gently. Overmixing can make meatballs tough. Use your hands, and it's okay if the mixture feels a bit sticky.

Roll Even-Sized Balls

Make sure your meatballs are about the same size so they cook evenly. A small ice cream scoop can help you get uniform portions.

Brown Them First

Before simmering in sauce, brown your meatballs in a hot pan. This adds a nice crust and extra flavor.

Choose Your Cooking Method

You can finish cooking your meatballs in the oven, on the stove, or in the sauce. Each method works; just pick what's easiest for you.

Check for Doneness

Cut a meatball open to make sure it's cooked through. It should have no pink in the middle. 

If you're using a thermometer, the internal temperature should be at least 160°F.

Experiment with Sauces

Simmer your meatballs in a tasty sauce. It could be classic tomato sauce, a sweet and sour glaze, or any sauce you like. 

Let them soak up the flavors.

Serve and Enjoy

Once your meatballs are cooked, serve them with pasta, rice, or on a sub. Get creative and enjoy your delicious homemade meatballs!

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Choose the Right Meat
  2. Add Flavorful Ingredients
  3. Use Eggs as Binders
  4. Don't Overmix
  5. Roll Even-Sized Balls
  6. Brown Them First
  7. Choose Your Cooking Method
  8. Check for Doneness
  9. Experiment with Sauces
  10. Serve and Enjoy