Why do people like junk food so much: salty, sweet and fatty - why is the forbidden fruit so “sweet”

28.02.2024 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

You've probably noticed that junk food tastes much better than healthy food.

In the article, we will explain what this is connected with.

Why fast food is harmful

This includes burgers, hot dogs, pizza, tacos, and fries.

Many people know that regular consumption of various snacks and fast food has far from favorable consequences for the health of the body.

Among the biggest problems of uncontrolled inclusion of such food in the diet are problems with weight, metabolism, and the occurrence of allergic reactions.


This is due to the high content of unhealthy fats, carbohydrates, sugar and salt.

Why does junk food taste so good

According to experts from Yale University (USA), sometimes we really want to eat something tasty and unhealthy, even if we are not hungry.

It turns out that eating foods rich in fat and carbohydrates activates the reward system in the brain.

That is why a person is so drawn to eat such food.

From time to time - no more than once a week - you can eat a portion of dangerous but tasty food: the body will tolerate it normally.

We previously told you why diets don't work.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why fast food is harmful
  2. Why does junk food taste so good