Why you need to give up white bread: a nutritionist listed the diseases that are associated with eating the product

04.03.2024 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

According to nutritionists, the most harmful type of bread is white bread made from premium flour.

In this article, we will tell you exactly why white bread is harmful to health.

Why is white bread harmful to health

White bread has a high glycemic index. This means that the food can cause a sudden and severe increase in blood sugar levels.

Over time, this can lead to a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Eating too much white bread can also cause heart disease and obesity.


What will happen to the body if you give up white bread

Avoiding white bread can help fight acne. Additionally, your risks of heart disease and type 2 diabetes will be reduced.

You can replace white bread with baked goods made from wholemeal flour.

This will be a healthier and healthier alternative.

This contains half the daily value of vitamin B1.

A deficiency of this vitamin causes excessive irritability, reduces performance and productivity, and also causes muscle weakness.

Previously, we talked about the dangers of fried potatoes.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why is white bread harmful to health
  2. What will happen to the body if you give up white bread