Why your stomach growls: a gastroenterologist lists dangerous causes

14.04.2024 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

People's stomachs often growl. In this article, we will tell you what this may be connected with.

Why does my stomach growl

Gurgling in the stomach is usually caused by hunger or digestion of food.

However, sometimes this is a sign of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stress, the presence of a hernia or bloating.

A loud gurgling sound in the stomach is often a sign of disruption to nutrient absorption at any stage of food digestion.

Rumbling may be accompanied by swelling in the epigastric region, and sometimes attacks of nausea.


On the other hand, you overate, and after a while pain may appear.

A large amount of food taken becomes lumpy and causes the stomach muscles to act more intensely, which causes some sounds.

How to stop your stomach from growling

Eating slowly and chewing thoroughly can help solve the problem.

You should also avoid carbonated, fried, spicy and sweet foods.

This will help prevent your stomach from rumbling, as these foods can cause gas to form in your stomach.

Previously, we told you how to reach your daily protein intake and why it is important.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why does my stomach growl
  2. How to stop your stomach from growling