You Didn't Know It: The Health Benefits of Onions

17.07.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Onions are a vegetable that can be added to almost any savory dish or side dish. In the article we will tell you how onions are useful for the body.

Health benefits of onions

The vegetable is rich in phytoncides and B vitamins, vitamin C, PP, E, D, K, contains biotin, carotenoids, citric and malic acids, essential oil, mono- and oligosaccharides, flavonoids. There are 19 macro- and microelements in onions. The plant has phytoncidal activity. Onions are one of the healthiest foods for human beings.

Onion fiber promotes optimal digestion of food. This herb also contains the soluble carbohydrate oligofructose, which promotes the growth of healthy gut microbiota and is helpful in treating diarrhea. Free-radical-fighting phytochemicals in onions reduce the risk of stomach ulcers.

The vegetable normalizes the work of the digestive organs and increases appetite, is a mild diuretic and eliminates toxins. Supports healthy skin, hair and nails.

Active sulfur compounds from onions with blood flow enter the brain cells, rejuvenate and purify them, improve memory, change human emotions, cheer up, increase concentration.

Photo: Pixabay

What is the best way to eat onions

After heat treatment, the onion loses a third of its substances, but most of it remains. A boiled vegetable does not irritate the mucous cavity and stomach, it is more easily absorbed by the body. When fried, it improves metabolism, lowers blood cholesterol, and improves appetite.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Health benefits of onions
  2. What is the best way to eat onions