Expert Opinion: Is It Possible to Go Gray Due to Stress

30.01.2024 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

There is no way to go gray in five minutes. Nevertheless, if a person has suffered very strong stress, then he can turn gray in a fairly short time, since hair follicles can be damaged under stress.

Is it possible to become gray from stress

Stress can trigger early gray hair, this has now been scientifically proven, but it is important to understand that reducing its level at seventy years old, when the hair has long been gray, will not lead to darkening, and after twenty-five there may be hope.

You can quickly go gray due to a special form of baldness, often associated with severe stress - diffuse hair loss.

Sometimes, mostly colored hair falls out, leaving gray hair (why is unknown).

A case of this rare form of baldness has been described without any previous stress.


Your genetic makeup also partially determines when your hair turns gray, so it's completely normal to notice a couple of gray hairs before your 20s or 30s.

Why do young people have gray hair

The main causes of fading and graying of hair are age, nervous overload and unfavorable environment.

Graying of hair occurs due to a lack of tyrosine, which is contained as a component in almost all proteins.

We previously talked about how love affects the brain.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Is it possible to become gray from stress
  2. Why do young people have gray hair