

Being an originally Italian food, pizza is now extremely popular all over the world, including the USA. While traveling all over the world, the recipe has been changed a few times, so different regions present completely different types of pizza.

Kate Yakimchuk pizza italian cuisine american cuisine differences Cooking 28 January 2024

Food decorations don't always affect the taste, but they definitely make it way more pleasant to eat these baked goods! If you bake regularly, then it's time to think not only about the taste, but also about the presentation of food.

Kate Yakimchuk baked goods baking tips decoration dessert Cooking 28 January 2024

When your body contains too much water, you can become bloated – and you'll definitely notice it in the morning. A bloated face never makes anyone attractive, but luckily, there are some foods that can help.

Kate Yakimchuk cooking tips inflammation bloating tips Cooking 27 January 2024

Picked vegetables tend to stay fresh for a really long period of time – it's one of the most long-lasting methods of preserving food. Meanwhile, as long as the can or jar is opened, they can't stay fresh and edible forever.

Kate Yakimchuk pickled vegetables food storage tips ideas Cooking 27 January 2024

In winter, our bodies often lack not only vitamin D from sunlight, but also lots of vitamins and nutrients from various foods. While different kinds of food are available all year long, our food preferences might change during the year, which can affect your health.

Kate Yakimchuk fruits nutrition facts winter diet vitamins Cooking 26 January 2024

Human body needs lots of elements and vitamins to stay healthy and functional, and iron is one of them. A person with a diverse and healthy diet can easily get all it needs from its food, but if your diet is imbalanced, then your body might lack iron.

Kate Yakimchuk iron nutrition facts healthy food nutrients Cooking 25 January 2024

The taste of fresh butter is creamy; depending on the variety, sweet or salty undertones may be more noticeable. The texture is plastic, homogeneous. Good oil does not crumble when cutting.

Diana Dashkevich butter healthy food food facts Cooking 25 January 2024

Food has never been so accessible all the time – it used to be a huge problem to grow, buy, and store foods. Luckily, preservation methods helped people of the pact a lot, and new inventions have made it even easier for us to get fresh food almost anywhere and anytime.

Kate Yakimchuk sublimated food food storage benefits history Cooking 25 January 2024

While it's relatively easy to freeze some cooked meat or vegetables to eat them later, it might be way harder with liquids like soups. Soups are way harder to store, and you should eat them fresh – so what should you do?

Kate Yakimchuk soup food storage cooking tips ideas Cooking 25 January 2024

Some types of food preservation can help you keep them fresh for a long time, and smoking meat or fish is one of them. Meanwhile, it's important to remember that long storage doesn't equal "staying fresh forever", so you should use additional methods to make sure everything works fine.

Kate Yakimchuk smoked fish food storage tips safety Cooking 23 January 2024

If you love baking and creating amazing desserts, then you probably love cheesecakes as well! The best thing about this dessert is that you can experiment with lots of ingredients to achieve amazing flavors and textures.

Kate Yakimchuk cheesecake cooking ideas baking tips dessert Cooking 23 January 2024

Dairy products are well-known for going off quickly, so it's always better to eat them quickly. Meanwhile, if you love to stock your food, you still need to keep them fresh for a longer time.

Kate Yakimchuk dairy products food storage milk cheese Cooking 22 January 2024

Sprouted chickpeas are indispensable in dietary nutrition, since they are highly nutritious despite their low calorie content. What is also important is that it is tasty, does not require heat treatment and can be stored in the refrigerator for several days without losing its beneficial properties.

Diana Dashkevich healthy food food facts vitamins Cooking 22 January 2024

Many people know that sugar is a source of glucose, which the body needs to replenish energy. When blood sugar levels are low, a person feels tired, sluggish, and may even lose consciousness. However, there must be moderation everywhere.

Diana Dashkevich sweets food facts health health facts Cooking 21 January 2024

If you want to cook something simple, but delicious, then you should try making lasagna! This dish is loved by almost everybody, it tastes amazingly, and it doesn't require lots of skills to cook it.

Kate Yakimchuk cooking ideas lasagna cooking tips recipe Cooking 21 January 2024

You might be a person who only eats the same foods almost every day, but it's still better to try out new things occasionally. Different cuisines can offer so many new textures and flavors, so you can actually taste other cultures!

Kate Yakimchuk cuisine culture cooking tips cooking ideas Cooking 20 January 2024

For most people, having breakfast in the morning is essential, because that's their main way to get energy for their day. If you also prefer to have breakfast before work, then it's better to make it healthy and light, so you won't feel any discomfort later.

Kate Yakimchuk breakfast cooking tips nutrition facts ideas Cooking 20 January 2024

The fruits are large, fleshy, dark green berries, elongated or round in shape, about 1.5-4 cm in size. The aroma and taste are described as a mixture of kiwi, strawberries and pineapple. The fruits are eaten both fresh and processed. The fruits must be fresh.

Diana Dashkevich fruits healthy food health facts Cooking 19 January 2024

In winter, people often want tasty and comforting meals to stay warm and healthy, and soup is an amazing option! The best thing about soups is that even vegetable soups can be extremely fulfilling and nutritious.

Kate Yakimchuk soup vegetable broth cooking tips recipe Cooking 19 January 2024