

Some kinds of meat aren't that popular, but they are also delicious - and beef tongue is exactly that! You can't always just fry or roast beef tongue to make it tasty, because cooking it takes more time and effort.

Kate Yakimchuk tongue beef cooking tips Cooking 10 November 2023

Quail meat is considered a delicacy and has an amazing taste. It has a very delicate consistency, juicy, with a delicate aroma. The substances contained in quail meat have special properties that stimulate appetite and increase juice secretion.

Diana Dashkevich health food facts Cooking 30 October 2023

If you love eating meat, then you should try cooking your own carpaccio - it's not that hard! Home-made carpaccio tastes delicious, and it's also pretty budget-friendly, so you should definitely try it.

Kate Yakimchuk carpaccio beef recipe cooking Cooking 19 October 2023
liver food

Not everyone likes liver, and it's fine - but mostly people just don't know how to cook it well. In fact, liver can be delicious, and it's also very nutritious, so it can benefit your health.

Kate Yakimchuk liver food cooking Cooking 18 October 2023
chicken feet

People eat meat all over the world, and they usually choose the most obvious and meaty parts to cook. Meanwhile, some unusual recipes from different countries might include pretty unobvious body parts, so no meat is wasted.

Kate Yakimchuk food cuisine dishes Cooking 15 October 2023

Stewed meat can be one of the most delicious and comforting dishes you can cook, but only if the meat is soft and delicious. While stewed meat isn't the hardest dish to cook, there are still a few tricks you should know about to cook it properly.

Kate Yakimchuk stew cooking tips Cooking 14 October 2023
beef steak

Not only regular beef, but also beef by-products can be delicious - and that's why lots of chefs love using them so much! People can sometimes be unsure about subproducts because of how they look and smell when they're raw, but they can surprise you when cooked.

Kate Yakimchuk beef by-products cooking Cooking 5 October 2023
frozen meat

If you want to keep your meat fresh and delicious for a long time, then you need to freeze it - and you better freeze it like a pro! It seems that all you need to do is to put some meat in a freezer, but it's not that simple - you need to know some tips on how to store it better.

Kate Yakimchuk freezing storage tips Cooking 30 September 2023

Dietitians believe that a keto diet, which is high in fat and low in carbs, can help people lose weight and may even fight certain cancers.  However, there's a problem: research shows that this diet might unintentionally harm cancer patients.

Kate Yakimchuk research keto cancer dieting Cooking 24 September 2023

While younger people often prefer lean meat, a huge number of Americans tend to eat beef only. A new study discovered that 12% of Americans are responsible for eating half of all the beef consumed in a single day.

Kate Yakimchuk research beef dieting ecology Cooking 23 September 2023

The peculiarity of tartare is that the meat from which it is prepared does not undergo any heat treatment, that is, it remains completely raw.

Diana Dashkevich food cooking food facts Cooking 20 September 2023
vegan food

Lots of people may sympathize with vegans, because they dislike animal cruelty, but they are too used to eating meat. White plant-based meat alternatives are widely available now, they lack the texture most people enjoy - and it's up to scientists to invent new kids of vegan meat that can satisfy more people.

Kate Yakimchuk food vegan research Cooking 18 September 2023

Plant-based foods like tempeh and bean burgers are good choices if you want to eat less meat. But making these foods taste like meat can be tricky, and companies often use artificial components.

Kate Yakimchuk research food flavors onion Cooking 17 September 2023

Nowadays, vegans have plenty of meat alternatives that can easily replace real meat in their diets. It's easy to find food with different textures and flavors, so it's often interesting to know what these things are made of.

Kate Yakimchuk food vegan ingredients Cooking 14 September 2023

Chicken is an essential part of a healthy diet. It is the most common meat in the world, not only because of its affordable price, but also because of its versatility in cooking.

Diana Dashkevich chicken health food facts Cooking 25 August 2023

Beef is a great source of protein, and also an important ingredient of many amazing dishes. Whether or not you can eat beef as part of your diet depends on several factors, including your dietary preferences, health goals, and any specific dietary restrictions you may have. 

Kate Yakimchuk beef dieting health protein Cooking 17 August 2023

Pork, like any other type of meat, can be consumed as part of a low-calorie diet. It's important to consider the portion size, cooking methods, and overall dietary choices to ensure that it aligns with your calorie and nutritional goals. 

Kate Yakimchuk pork health dieting Cooking 14 August 2023

Marinades are flavorful mixtures of liquids, seasonings, herbs, and spices used to enhance the taste and texture of meat.  While marinades can be a wonderful way to add depth and complexity to your dishes, there are some potential pitfalls to be aware of. 

Kate Yakimchuk marinade mistakes tips Cooking 11 August 2023

Storing jerky properly is essential to maintain its quality, flavor, and safety.  Jerky is a dried meat product that has low moisture content, which helps extend its shelf life. 

Kate Yakimchuk jerky food storage Cooking 11 August 2023

While smoked food can be flavorful and enjoyable, there are certain risks and potential dangers associated with the smoking process.  These risks primarily arise from the formation of harmful compounds during smoking. 

Kate Yakimchuk smoke health dieting danger Cooking 10 August 2023