

Lots of people face situations when it's physically hard to clean their houses - and it happens not only to older people. You can have a stomach ache or even break your arm one day, so house maintenance can immediately become almost impossible.

Kate Yakimchuk house cleaning washing cleaning tips immobility Helpful tips 1 December 2023

Bulimia is a mental disorder characterized by eating disorders. It manifests itself in the form of frequent bouts of overeating, during which a person does not feel either the taste of food or satiety. After such a breakdown, a feeling of repentance comes, the person tries to cleanse the body of excess.

Diana Dashkevich health weight mental health Psychology 28 November 2023

People who often feel nervous and anxious tend to be better prepared for different unpleasant occasions, but it's not always a great thing. The benefit of being prepared isn't always worth spending days worrying about things that didn't even happen, psychologists say.

Kate Yakimchuk stress anxiety tips Psychology 13 November 2023