Последние новости за 9 сентября 2023 года


Как обрезать молодые и возрастные кусты смородины чтобы дали хороший урожай.

Игорь Зур сад дача смородина урожай Минск

Clothing made of viscose is durable, practical in hot weather and lends itself well to dyeing. However, when wet, viscose fibers become very brittle and can be damaged if washed incorrectly.

Диана Дашкевич materials cleaning washing Helpful tips

В этот день верующие почитают преподобного Пимена Великого – также 9 сентября вспоминают мученицу Анфису Новую. 

Дмитрий Лискович осень дождь зима приметы Минск

If you choose your plants wisely, you can collect harvest almost all year long, including late fall. While some fruits and veggies are better to collect in summer or September, some plants can become your perfect harvest in late October, or even November.

Kate Yakimchuk harvest fall seasons gardening Garden

Почему нельзя рано накрывать розы и какие еще ошибки в уходе допускают садоводы.

Игорь Зур сад розы уход осень Минск

In addition to the discharge kit, the baby will need various bodysuits, overalls and caps for the first time. It is also necessary to take into account that if the appearance of the baby falls on the cool season, then a warm envelope or overalls is needed for walking. Stroller. You will also need a stroller to travel with your baby.

Диана Дашкевич decoration interior design House Design

Chicken eggs are great - they are a perfect natural source of proteins and healthy fats that are conveniently packed in small natural containers. They can be used in lots of dishes, but it's better not to eat more than three eggs daily - or it can be too much for your body.

Kate Yakimchuk food eggs nutrition health Cooking
sad cat

We all want our pets to be safe and healthy, but the hardest part is that they can't tell us when something goes wrong. On the other hand, there are still a few signs that can help you understand when your cat feels pain.

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats pain signs tips Animals
Соль Ложка

Соль для стирки можно использовать разными способами - в барабане с вещами или в отсеке для порошка.

Игорь Зур приметы стирка соль хитрости советы Минск

Cashmere brands recommend hand washing in cool water so that the item does not lose its shape. You can also use a washing machine - but certainly in a delicate mode at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. In addition, the best laundry detergent is shampoo for wool and cashmere.

Диана Дашкевич materials wool cleaning washing Helpful tips
man working

Remembering the order of things is really important for people when they talk, plan their day, or learn new stuff.  A recent study in the science journal PLoS One found that this skill seems to be something only humans have. 

Kate Yakimchuk research order humans Psychology
Обручальные кольца

Почему обручальное кольцо носят на безымянном пальце и что будет если его перестать носить.

Игорь Зур народные приметы кольцо брак отношения семья Минск