Psychologist's Advice: How to Get Rid of Apathy

11.02.2024 01:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Mainly, apathy manifests itself in loss of desires, lack of emotional response to what is happening, loss of interest in what was previously important.

What can cause apathy

Apathy can be a symptom of a number of mental and neurological disorders: depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease.

Apathy with depression. The condition can occur both in major depressive disorder and in dysthymia and masked depression.

How to get rid of apathy

To do this, you need to give up alcohol, smoking (if possible), heavy and unhealthy foods.

Try to watch your diet and eat more vegetables and fruits.


In addition, it is enough to walk in the fresh air, get enough sleep in comfortable conditions and a sufficient number of hours - at least 7.

Reducing stress and a favorable environment at home is also an important factor.

Additionally, we would like to say that iron and iodine deficiency also causes a state of apathy and lethargy. Their use is recommended by doctors because there are certain restrictions.

What is the difference between apathy and depression

Apathy is considered a psychosomatic condition, which is characterized by indifference, lack of interest in people, events, and routine affairs. And also to what previously interested and brought joy.

A person experiences indifference to almost everything that is around.

Depression is a more severe mental condition with different types of symptoms.

Whether it is possible to cope with such disorders without treatment is not always the case.

Why is apathy dangerous

It is difficult for a person to continue to perform daily duties, experiencing severe mental discomfort.

This condition is considered more dangerous because it gradually destroys mental health, leads to personality degradation, and provokes suicidal thoughts.

The difference between apathy and anhedonia is the lack of separation of life aspects.

Previously, we talked about the unobvious causes of depression.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What can cause apathy
  2. How to get rid of apathy
  3. What is the difference between apathy and depression
  4. Why is apathy dangerous