

Just one night of unexpected frost can destroy lots of your garden plants, completely destroying your hard work. You can't always be ready for an unexpected cold night, but you can do preventive measures to keep your plants safe.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips frost plant protection weather Garden 10 December 2023
pomeranian spitz

Beautiful garden flowers can be quite delicate, so you have to protect them from pests, diseases, and also your pets. Dogs or cats can accidentally break or chew your plants, so all your hard work will be gone in a moment.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening pet safety plant protection planting Garden 9 December 2023

An aerogrill can be an amazing kitchen appliance that can help you cook lots of delicious and healthy dishes. While it doesn't work exactly as an oven, it can replace it in many recipes, but can it be a complete replacement?

Kate Yakimchuk aerogrill kitchen appliances cooking grill Cooking 5 December 2023

A baby can be the happiest moment of your family's life, changing it forever in many ways. One of the things that new parents are worried about is how their pets will react to the new babies, because they're afraid of jealousy or aggression.

Kate Yakimchuk new baby pet adaptation training children Animals 5 December 2023

A family owns way more things than just one individual, so they normally require way more storage space in their house. When planning a new house layout, you should always think about perfect storage, so your house won't be cluttered.

Kate Yakimchuk storage space functional storage interior design House Design 5 December 2023
clay soil

For people who aren't into gardening, the idea of buying soil might seem weird, but not for gardeners. The thing is, some types of soil can be way better for your plants than others, and some types of soil are completely useless for gardening.

Kate Yakimchuk soil types gardening garden soil plants Garden 5 December 2023

Cats are well-known for their grooming - these pets can take good care of their appearance, cleaning and brushing their hair daily. Meanwhile, cat grooming salons exist, and some pet owners take both their dogs and cats to the specialists.

Kate Yakimchuk cat grooming pet hair cats pets Animals 5 December 2023

The wet zones of your house have to be the cleanest, but they also tend to become dirty way faster. These zones of your house tend to collect dust and dirt a lot, and they also are more likely to collect and produce bad odors.

Kate Yakimchuk bathroom kitchen cleaning wet zones cleaning Helpful tips 5 December 2023

Many people feel like they can create good interior layouts by themselves - they know their needs and preferences well, right? In fact, there are lots of little details that only professionals know well, and that's why interior designers are needed.

Kate Yakimchuk interior desing house layout mistakes professionals House Design 5 December 2023

Even the friendliest dogs can be quite dangerous, and their bursts of aggression aren't that unpredictable - you just can't always see the signs. Most dogs (especially the well-trained ones) try to show you that it's better not to touch them sometimes, and your goal is to understand it.

Kate Yakimchuk dog training dog aggression pets safety Animals 5 December 2023

When you have a big family, then you should always think about saving energy, or your bills can be extremely high. Meanwhile, even if you live on your own, you still can do a few things to save energy and pay less.

Kate Yakimchuk energy saving energy efficiency energy budget Helpful tips 4 December 2023

Your fridge has to be clean to be a safe space for your food storage, but also it's food that makes it dirty quite quickly. Though you don't have to clean it daily (or sometimes even weekly), you still need to take care of your fridge occasionally.

Kate Yakimchuk fridge cleaning fridge house cleaning washing Helpful tips 4 December 2023

If you work at home a lot, then you should invest your time, money. and effort in a comfortable workplace. There are some things that can ruin your workplace and make it almost impossible to concentrate or be productive.

Kate Yakimchuk home office remote work workplace mistakes House Design 4 December 2023

Pet turtles can live for many years, but only if you take good care of them. Pet reptiles are often seen as low-maintenance pets, and while they are, they still need your love and care.

Kate Yakimchuk pet reptiles pet turtles turtle health Animals 3 December 2023

If you don't want your garage to be a mess, then you need to organize it well - that's the rule! Garage storage organization can help you to spend less time on cleaning and decluttering it in the future.

Kate Yakimchuk garage storage garage organization decluttering maintenance Helpful tips 3 December 2023

Your job can be a source of stress that can emotionally and mentally drain you every day. While you can't avoid it completely, there are still a few things you can do to minimize work-related stress.

Kate Yakimchuk stress work place mental health ideas Psychology 3 December 2023

Sometimes you just feel completely exhausted and lifeless without even being actually tired - you can even wake up this way. In many cases, it's a sign of emotional exhaustion, and it might mean that you need a proper rest.

Kate Yakimchuk emotional burnout exhaustion mental health signs Psychology 3 December 2023

Self-respect is a vital part of everyone's personality that can save their self-esteem and repel lots of toxic people away. Meanwhile, not everyone clearly understands what it is, and how to act accordingly.

Kate Yakimchuk self-respect self-love personality personal growth Psychology 3 December 2023

Life can be hard sometimes, and you can't always control it - just your reaction and the decisions you make.  Resilience can help you a lot, so it's one of the most important skills you can have.

Kate Yakimchuk resilience mental health self-improvement personality Psychology 2 December 2023

If you want your dog to protect your house, then you should train it to do it - they don't naturally know what they're supposed to do. While lots of dogs have territorial behaviors, they still need proper training to become amazing guard dogs.

Kate Yakimchuk guard dog dogs training pets training Animals 2 December 2023