

Parrots tend to be loud - they are very social birds, so they love making noises - the louder, the better. Even if you love your bird, it might be quite hard to concentrate or sleep well when it sings and screams all the time.

Kate Yakimchuk pet parrots pets facts parrots birds Animals 23 December 2023

It's important to keep your sleep patterns stable not just because it's healthy and productive - they can also affect your diet a lot. While some people can't notice these changes at first, they can add up and change the way you eat completely, and usually for the worse.

Kate Yakimchuk sleep patterns healthy diet food overeating Cooking 22 December 2023

If you want your dog to be not only your pet friend, but also a real guard for your house, then you should train it, and it's better to start early. Even though lots of modern guard systems exist these days, a well-trained guard dog can be an amazing protector for your family and belongings.

Kate Yakimchuk guard dog dog training pets dogs Animals 22 December 2023

Everyone wants their house to have a high market value, but some interior mistakes can damage it a lot. Luckily, most of them are pretty easy to fix or prevent, so your house will always be in its best shape.

Kate Yakimchuk interior mistakes selling house market value details House Design 22 December 2023

You have to walk your dog regularly, unless you want to clean your house daily - and it's especially important for those who rent apartments. To make sure that no accidents will happen, you should have a schedule of when and how often you should walk your dog.

Kate Yakimchuk dog walk pet health dogs schedule Animals 22 December 2023

While cats love routines, they also love exploring new things - and it's also true for their food. You can always buy your cat's favorite food and snacks, but you can also experiment with it and add new things to your cat's diet.

Kate Yakimchuk cat food pet health dieting food Animals 21 December 2023

For most people, a garage isn't just a place for a car - it's also a place where you store lots of items you don't need daily. For instance, lots of people keep their tools there, because they only use them when they need to fix something.

Kate Yakimchuk garage storage tool storage organization maintenance Helpful tips 21 December 2023

Organization and storage matter, and you also have to make sure that important papers are safe and well-organized. To feel secure and confident, you should find a good place to keep your important documents.

Kate Yakimchuk papers storage important papers safety Helpful tips 21 December 2023

While it's generally not recommended to keep wild animals as pets, it sometimes happens! When people help wild animals in tough situations, they often stay with them as cute and playful pets.

Kate Yakimchuk wild animals pets facts wildlife nature Animals 21 December 2023

The fast-paced changes in digital media pose a challenge for researchers studying digital addiction, as popular platforms today might become obsolete soon.  Researchers at Binghamton University have developed a tool to measure digital media addiction, ensuring its relevance despite technological shifts. 

Kate Yakimchuk social media research addiction screen time Psychology 21 December 2023

If you love coffee, then you probably drink it daily - or maybe not even once! While coffee can be quite beneficial for your energy levels and mood, you can't drink too much of it.

Kate Yakimchuk coffee brewing coffee caffeine healthy food Cooking 20 December 2023

It's neither great when the air is too wet or too dry, and both things can happen to your house in winter. Central heating often makes your air too dry, and it can make your skin dry and itchy.

Kate Yakimchuk dry air humidity central heating air Helpful tips 20 December 2023

If you genuinely love working remotely, then you can work basically anywhere - as long as it's comfortable for you. Even the comfort of your own house can be destroyed if your interior has some flaws.

Kate Yakimchuk work place interior mistakes decoration productivity House Design 19 December 2023

Aloe Vera isn't just an exotically-looking plant - it's a very useful plant that can be utilized in many ways! Instead of buying fresh plants regularly, you can always grow it on your own - but make sure you make no mistakes.

Kate Yakimchuk aloe aloe vera gardening mistakes growing Garden 19 December 2023

Modern people tend to adopt shelter dogs more often than they used to - it's cheaper, and it also helps homeless pets to find loving families. Meanwhile, not everyone is ready to adopt a dog with a tough history, or to cope with its traumatized personality.

Kate Yakimchuk dog shelter pet adoption dogs personality Animals 17 December 2023

You don't have to wait until summer to enjoy beautiful flowers in your garden - some flower varieties can bloom in spring as well! For instance, Peonies can make your garden beautiful before it's already summer - you just have to provide the best conditions for them to thrive.

Kate Yakimchuk peonies garden flowers gardening tips flowers Garden 17 December 2023

Ramen is one of the simplest Asian dishes you can cook at home, and it's also one of the most delicious ones! While it seems to be pretty similar to a regular soup, it has a very distinctive taste - so how can you achieve that at home?

Kate Yakimchuk cooking tips asian cuisine ramen noodles Cooking 17 December 2023

Every pet owner wants their fluffy friend to live as long as it's possible - but how to achieve that? There are lots of things that affect your cat's longevity, and knowing them can help you make the best choices to keep your pet healthy.

Kate Yakimchuk cat health pet health longevity health Animals 16 December 2023

People tend to dislike those who constantly complain about everything, but they also dislike those who do better than them. While modern culture encourages people to be proud of their success, it's sometimes better not to tell everyone about your success.

Kate Yakimchuk happiness psychologist tips sharing news jealousy Psychology 16 December 2023

If you enjoy gardening and love flowers, then you might combine two of these hobbies and turn it into your business! Flower business can be both beneficial and complicated sometimes, so you should know about its pros and cons in advance.

Kate Yakimchuk garden flowers flower business gardening ideas Garden 16 December 2023