Последние новости за 14 декабря 2023 года


Противни очень быстро загрязняются, покрываясь липким налётом. Кроме того, на металлическом листе появляются присохшие остатки пищи.

Курчев Антон противень очистка пищевая сода уксус перекись водорода Полезные советы

A team of specialists has made a groundbreaking discovery by obtaining direct recordings of the human brain minutes before and after disconnecting a crucial hub for language meaning. This rare opportunity demonstrates the role of brain hubs in various neural networks and the brain's amazing ability to compensate when this hub is lost, a process not observed before.

Kate Yakimchuk research brain activity brain hub speech memory Psychology

По данным Министерства обороны РФ, за сутки ВСУ на фронте потеряли свыше 600 солдат, 11 единиц бронетехники и 11 гаубиц.

Павел Господарик Главные новости Россия Украина война новости Общество

Ветеринар назвал главные критерии, которым должен соответствовать лоток для кошачьего туалета.

Игорь Зур кошка в квартире поведение кошки ветеринар для кошки советы питомцы Домашние животные

Modern people have lots of small electronic appliances that they can use in their bathrooms - hair dryers, hair straighteners, and lots of other things. We all know that electronics dislike humidity, so how can you make sure that both you and your appliances are safe?

Kate Yakimchuk electrical appliances bathroom supplies safety storage tips House Design

A beautiful glowing star is one of the traditional Christmas symbols, so people often use stars to decorate their houses. While you can buy lots of star-related home decor, you can also make it - and sometimes DIY paper stars look even better!

Kate Yakimchuk christmas decorations paper stars DIY decoration ideas House Design

If the water in the sink or bathtub does not drain, it means that there is a blockage in the pipes and it is time to get rid of it urgently.

Диана Дашкевич kitchen sink kitchen sink kitchen tips cleaning Helpful tips

Some garden plants are popular in the USA, but their popularity can differ from one region to another. For instance, beautiful azaleas are more often grown in Eastern regions than in Western ones.

Kate Yakimchuk azaleas garden flowers flower business gardening growing Garden