Последние новости за 18 декабря 2023 года


If you are lucky to have a house with high ceilings, then you should choose a suitable interior to match it! For instance, high ceilings often require special lamps to match the scale of the room.

Kate Yakimchuk high ceiling lighting luster choosing interior tips House Design
Природа, деревья

В церкви сегодня чтят память Саввы Освященного, который в совсем юном возрасте отправился в монастырь.

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На купянском направлении армия РФ отразила 7 атак ВСУ, потерявших здесь свыше 50 бойцов.

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Orchids are often seen as extremely beautiful, rare, and diverse flowers you can grow. While there are plenty of varieties you can find, most of them are relatively hard to grow.

Kate Yakimchuk orchids garden flowers gardening tips plants growing Garden

Modern people are well-aware that yoga can be highly beneficial for their health, but what about yoga that doesn't require movements at all? A new study shows that Yoga Nidra can be quite beneficial for your well-being.

Kate Yakimchuk research yoga nidra mental health relaxation stress Psychology
Елка Снег

Чтобы получить благосклонность талисманов и оберегов наступающего года, оденьтесь в праздничную ночь правильно.

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Peanuts contain antioxidants - substances that fight dangerous free radicals.

Диана Дашкевич peanuts nuts food healthy food healthy diet Cooking

Если на Савву в печи вашей поленья неслабо потрескивают, это значит, что в ближайшее время ожидаются холода.

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Many specialists claim that people should take vitamin D, and it's especially important in winter. This vitamin can significantly improve your health, and even quality of life - but how?

Kate Yakimchuk vitamin deficiency vitamins sunlight well-being health Psychology

If you want to create a cozy lounge zone for your friends and family, then you probably need a good carpet. While some carpets and rugs might look amazing, they might be pretty hard to maintain and clean - so what should you do?

Kate Yakimchuk carpet rugs home decor lounge choosing House Design

Since the roots of Nematanthus are fragile, the plant is rarely replanted when the roots completely fill the volume of the pot: it is for this reason that the latter should not have a jug-shaped (convex in the middle) shape.

Диана Дашкевич flowers gardening houseplants plants care gardening tips Garden

The Pekingese dog is a companion dog, small and brave, reminiscent of a lion because of its mane.

Диана Дашкевич pets dogs pets facts dog breeds breeds Animals